Use "insinuate|insinuated|insinuates|insinuating" in a sentence

1. What are you insinuating?

2. This Unsub insinuates himself, Disarms the victims.

3. What are you insinuating, Daniel?

4. What are you trying to insinuate?

5. Insinuate christianity into a person's mind.

6. Are you insinuating that I smell?

7. He insinuated his doubt of the reply.

8. The cat insinuated herself into the kitchen.

9. How dared he insinuate that she lied?

10. He insinuated that I was lying.

11. you insinuating that I am a liar?

12. His walk... his terrible, languorous, insinuating walk.

13. He insinuated his doubt of the reply.

14. He insinuate his doubt of her ability.

15. To try and insinuate that we had done something wrong.

16. She cleverly insinuated herself into his family.

17. He tried to insinuate himself into the boss's favor.

18. He managed to insinuate his way into her affections.

19. Are you insinuating that I'm not telling the truth?

20. Are you insinuating that I'm telling a lie?

21. Are you insinuating that the money was stolen?

22. It'seems to me you insinuate things about her.

23. He is extremely insinuating , but it's a vulgar nature.

24. 6 The cat insinuated herself into the kitchen.

25. She didn't reply - she merely smiled that insinuating smile.

26. He was very deferential. He was not trying to insinuate himself.

27. One can only gently insinuate something else into its convulsive grasp.

28. I insinuated my way in with you easily enough.

29. 12 The cat somehow insinuated itself into the larder.

30. She insinuate to us that her partner have embezzle fund.

31. They were trying to insinuate that I belonged with the psychiatric patients.

32. This allows water to insinuate itself underneath and drill tunnels through the ice.

33. You risk insulting your French host by insinuating his cellar is inadequate.

34. Blanche's voice suddenly became quiet and insinuating, without a trace of hostility.

35. 16 She insinuated to us that her partner had embezzled funds.

36. Are you insinuating that I am the one who stole Andy's radio?

37. As she uttered these words she realized they sounded snide and insinuating.

38. Impliedly, this provision insinuates that justice personnel powers are neither absolute nor above the law.

39. The libel claim followed an article which insinuated that the President was lying.

40. They also insinuate that relatives of the prisoners are on their lists.

41. Adumbrate v 1: describe roughly or briefly or give the main points or summary of; "sketch the outline of the book"; "outline his ideas" [syn: sketch, outline, Adumbrate] 2: give to understand; "I insinuated that I did not like his wife" [syn: intimate, Adumbrate, insinuate]

42. Well, you stand well with M. Morrel I hear, -- you insinuating dog, you!

43. Both songs are in danger of being banned for their sexy, insinuating lyrics.

44. "Yes." My tone was insinuating. "I heard she was a real friendly girl."

45. Synonyms for Alluding include implying, suggesting, hinting, indicating, inferring, insinuating, intimating, mentioning, adverting and citing

46. Smith Annihilates Olivia Harlan Dekker, insinuates husband uses N-bombs The drama between former Cleveland Cavaliers guard J.R

47. Critics of Banville insinuate that though he plays it expertly, he has only got one tune.

48. The rabbit died. What magistrate would find, or even venture to insinuate, anything against this?

49. I insinuate to her a thousand hints , which, as she is perfectly spiritual, she receives.

50. His oily, insinuating tones, his greasy smile, and his monstrous self - conceit grated on my nerves.

51. Advertisements of the grossest, most manipulative kind, insinuating their poison into every cranny of the country.

52. With their coiled energy, jumps, louche shoulder work, insinuating hips and limber backs, they look like real dancers.

53. And do you mean to insinuate that there is not a sort of devotion in that?

54. 14 Advertisements of the grossest, most manipulative kind, insinuating their poison into every cranny of the country.

55. From The New York Review of Books Section 3 insinuates that the ballet can only be comprehended if approached Crabwise, in a …

56. A few insinuate themselves into the colonies of others and persuade their hosts into a free meal.

57. The player should role-play this, insinuating that the other character is cowardly, worthless, treacherous(, etc.

58. Alone among them, he appreciated the full potential of radio as the means to insinuate doubt and disaffection among his listeners.

59. McCannell observed, as did many other students, that Kulak stresses the software developer's need to be creative and insinuates that engineering stifles creativity.

60. Apace The trade's ability to insinuate itself into every branch of government in drug-afflicted countries continues Apace

61. In addition to insinuating their Embassy man into the Cheltenham delegation, the Soviets could have scored a separate gain.

62. He succeeded simply in insinuating himself into the lineup of Washington regulars: a huckster in continual search of a hustle.

63. He believed even more deeply that no church should insinuate itself into the sacred bond between a husband and a wife.

64. Section 3 insinuates that the ballet can only be comprehended if approached Crabwise, in a ruminative, yet exacting, account sensitive to temporal and spatial contingency

65. In coming here, he was actually following psychic instinct, an indefinable but insinuating impulse to visit the court of Voronov-Vaux.

66. And now he was insinuating that she would be extending her stay long enough for a tour of the whole country!

67. 25 In coming here, he was actually following psychic instinct, an indefinable but insinuating impulse to visit the court of Voronov-Vaux.

68. Across the Atlantic , CAIR insinuates itself into an array of important North American institutions , including the FBI , NASA , and Canada ' s Globe and Mail newspaper .

69. Synonyms for this Conveys include this means, this alludes, this argues, this attests, this denotes, this implies, this indicates, this insinuates, this intimates and this signifies

70. Synonyms for this Alludes include this means, this argues, this attests, this conveys, this denotes, this implies, this indicates, this insinuates, this intimates and this signifies

71. The strain in race relations led to the Singaporean 1964 Race Riots, which PAP Malay politician Othman Wok later insinuated were planned beforehand by the ultras.

72. Scott insinuated that the US failure of the film was the result of bad advertising, which presented the film as an adventure with a love story rather than as an examination of religious conflict.

73. Synonyms for Cozied up include insinuated, pandered, ingratiated yourself, curry favoured with, curry favored with, made overtures, wormed your way in, wheedled, curried favour and got in with

74. (Job 16:1, 13) Later, Zophar, in figurative language, accusingly insinuates that Job has acted wickedly and that his “food” will be within him like “the gall [or poison] of cobras.”

75. Synonyms for Cozying up include curry favouring with, curry favoring with, ingratiating yourself, insinuating, making overtures, pandering, worming your way in, getting in with, curry favoring and currying favour

76. This was greeted with an irreverent laugh, and the youth blushed deeply, and tried to look as if he had meant to insinuate what knowing people called a "double entendre."

77. On Thursday, the Ayatollah's Twitter account posted a photomontage of Donald Trump playing golf under the shadow of a warplane, insinuating a possible attack on the former US president

78. How much is a Buttload? It’s a commonly used piece of slang used to insinuate that something is of large volume or bountiful, but surprisingly it is a real life measurement

79. Accumulates Lyrics: Well, it grips and it grins / It cavorts and it gyrates / And it whispers from the wings / Knowingly insinuates / Shines a certain light on things / Emphasising your least likeable

80. Instead, in her quest for peace and security, she insinuates herself into the favor of the political leaders of the nations —this despite the Bible’s warning that friendship with the world is enmity with God.